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hydrocarbon on water detector
Leakwise ID - 221
Leakwise ID - 223
Leakwise ID - 225
Leakwise ID - 227
PS - 220
DSP - 220

  groundwater wells
Industries & Applications

Report no. S 28/99

Performance test on leak detectors
For type approval in accordance with
WHG (water Resources Law) ?19 h
AGAR "Leakwise" ID-... Oil Sheen Monitoring System
Ionics Agar Environmental Ltd.

3. Comments on fulfillment of the test requirements

The detection systems for recording and measuring light liquids floating on water surfaces (oil sheen monitoring systems)

TypeID 221
ID 223/500; ID 223/2000; ID223/2500
ID 225
ID 227
CompanyIonics Agar Environmental Ltd.
in the design specified in the enclosed test documents were subjected to a performance test of their leak signaling function to gain type approval in accordance with the Water Resources Act (WHG) ?9h.

In the absence of generally recognized test guidelines for this type of instrument, particular attention was paid to the following requirements:
- Functionality in the 0°C to 70°C temperature range
- Functionality of the switching of the output relays for different kinds of hydrocarbons
- Suitability as leak detectors
in accordance with selected points in the TRbF 501, version 05.89.

The test result showed that the instruments fulfil all the requirements considered necessary for them.

The instruments are therefore suitable for use with all fluids floating on water (?? ? 80) with a noticeably smaller dielectric coefficient than water. They were tested using the following hydrocarbons which have a relative dielectric coefficient of approximately ?? ? ?

Benzin (Super)Butyl diglycolic acetate
Methylated spiritDiisodecyladipat
Heating oilDiotylsebacat
Hydraulic oilEhoxypropylacetat
Lamp oilHexane
Light petrollsobutanol
Light oil 10 W-40 HDlsomonanol
Maize Oillsophoron
PetroleumOptisol 737
Brush cleanerPlatomoll DOA
Salad oilPlatiooi Z
Turpentine substituteStyrene
Transformer oilShellsol D40
All purpose thinning agentSP.Benzin 80(110)
Methylated spiritToluene

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